

本會協助臺北市政府辦理「 臺北市新生兒聽力篩檢推廣計畫」的篩檢成果已共同發表於     2013 10 月出刊之  International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 國際期刊。

Huang HM, Chiang SH, Shiau YS, Yeh WY, Ho HC, Wang L, Chen SC, Lin HC, Chen KC, Chiang H, Yang MC, Yu LH, Lin HL, Chiu AW, Hsiao KJ.      The universal newborn hearing screening program of Taipei City.  Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2013;77:1734-7.       DOI: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2013.08.004


本會蕭廣仁執行長 ( Hsiao KJ ) 為本文通訊作者

    執行秘書蔣思慧( Chiang SH ) 與專案經理蕭(Shiau YS ) 為第二及第作者


The universal newborn hearing screening program of Taipei City

Huang HM, Chiang SH, Shiau YS, Yeh WY, Ho HC, Wang L, Chen SC, Lin HC, Chen KC, Chiang H, Yang MC,     Yu LH, Lin HL, Chiu AW, Hsiao KJ.


Objectives :
To establish a hearing screening program with high coverage, low referral rate, high follow-up rate, and early intervention in Taipei City.

Methods :
From September 2009 to December 2010, 85% delivery units in Taipei City, which includes 20 hospitals and 14 obstetrics clinics, were recruited into the screening program in two stages. A total of 15,930 babies were born in these participating hospitals and clinics during the program period. Among these neonates, 15,790 underwent hearing screening test with automatic auditory brainstem response (AABR). The screening was free of charge to the parents. The hearing screening examination was performed 24-36h after birth. The same test was repeated between 36 and 60h of age if the baby failed the first hearing test. The neonate was referred to the diagnostic hospitals for further investigations if he failed the second test.
Results :
The screening coverage rate was 99.1% (15,790/15,930). The incidence of bilateral moderate to severe and unilateral hearing loss was 1.4 per 1000 (22/15,790) and 1.5 per 1000 (24/15,790), respectively. Four percent (626/15,790) of newborns failed to pass the initial screening test and 1.0% of newborns failed to pass the second screening test. Therefore, 1.0% newborns were referred for diagnostic assessments. The follow-up rate was 94.4% (151/160). Sixty-four percent (14/22) of babies with bilateral hearing loss completed the full diagnostic hearing tests within 3 months of birth.
Conclusions :
The universal newborn hearing screening program is an adequate program for Taipei City with high coverage, low referral rate, and good follow-up rate. Screening fees covered by third parties, two-stage screening steps with AABR strategy, and the stringent monitoring system proved to be effective.





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Updated on :12 Dec, 2013

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